The spy organization decides that the best course of action would be to task our 2 Spy Kid siblings - Carmen and Juni - with investigating the situation on the natural satellite. As the story intro unfolds in the narrated comic book style, a rocket crashed near the moonbase and contact is lost with the remote location soon after. It seems that we have established a presence on the moon, or perhaps just a secret spy base. This Learning Adventure is Man In The Moon. Fortunately, a reader pointed me to the Brighter Child website where the necessary documents are mirrored. That was a short investigation because the game was supposed to have a supplemental puzzle book, whose solutions would yield codes that you were expected to constantly enter into the game in order to get anywhere. There are still 3 more games in the Spy Kids Learning Adventures series, whose surface I merely scratched in The Underground Affair.

A running gag in the book is Jack incorrectly calling Juni "Johnny" on purpose until the epilogue.Hey! Do you need the PDF for this game? I mirrored it here after rescuing it via the Internet Archive: Spy Kids: Man on the Moon.Plot Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Epilogue Appearances Characters Will the Spy Kids be able to win the mission and the competition before reality is altered - permanently? And it seems the OSS agress! It turns out that there is one evil family out there that plans on using the show as a weapon to destroy the world. When Juni hears about a television show that has families competing against one another, he is sure his family is perfect for the role. The Cortez family is about to get a big dose of reality - reality television, that is.